Monday, February 3, 2025

Working at the Speed of Failure

I read something recently that touched on the concept that in addition to our obsession with being 100% productive 100% of the time (which is completely unrealistic); we have fallen into a trap of working too quickly. 

Literally moving our bodies (and minds) at such a hurried pace that we are actually wearing ourselves out in the name of “being so busy.”

Sound familiar? It sure does to me.

This little paragraph, written almost as an afterthought, hit home. I started paying attention to my physical movements as I worked and asking myself some questions:

- Why am I constantly jumping between screens? (MacBook, iPad, iPhone)

- Am I supposed to react immediately to every email, text, and message?

- When am I actually doing deep thinking about my broad scope of work?

- If all I do is jump around from meeting to meeting and talk about my work, when do I actually have time to do the work?

Let’s level set a bit here. I have a well developed system that organizes every facet of my professional and personal lives. I’m clear on what needs to get done on any given day, and am fortunate to work with a talented team to tackle all of it with me.

And yet…that frantic pace creeps in. Why?

There are no easy answers, at least I can’t find one. I think the best next step for me is a new level of self-awareness as I literally slow down to be even more efficient and effective.

Have you examined your pace of work? What did you learn?

Thanks for being here.



Monday, January 27, 2025

Blind Spots and Power

Ah, the ever elusive race to the top. In the first half of my career I was laser focused on landing an executive level role. Fortunately, I was able to do that a bit earlier than expected. A calculated move to be a ‘big fish in a small pond’ paid off far more than I could have imagined. Ironically, it wasn’t about money or titles actually…it was the learning that changed the course of my journey.

Now, in the second half of my career I’ve seen leaders come and go. Many thought they had a ‘vision for what the organization needed’ or had a ‘sense of who was a high potential member of the leadership team.’ Conversely they also had an equal level of insight on ‘who just doesn’t have what it takes.’

It’s fascinating to unpack this a bit further, particularly when you take the emotion out of it. Perhaps it is the decades of experience I have in large, complex organizations that have helped me learn more? What seems to be clear however is the old concept of blind spots is alive and well.

How we define success, and who we identify as those that can deliver that success are often (if not exclusively) confirmed by our own experiences and personal views on the workplace. When we see high potential leaders we often find their skills relatable to our own. Their ability to be team-players and drive the current agenda can be misinterpreted as simply being an extension of ourselves. 

That’s a slippery slope. 

Are we searching for clones of ourselves to carry on our legacy in an attempt to validate how we’ve chosen to lead? 

Hmm. Maybe.

But what about the impact of our blind spots on the path we see for ourselves…our professional aspirations and the goals we have? Why are these the goals? Did society tell us (me) we should keep pushing? Have we found the sweet spot that balances our skills and experience along with enough of a push to keep us learning and growing and contributing? Or, are we simply chasing a goal that doesn’t truly align with who we are and how we can best contribute?

What about those who chased power? We’ve all seen them over the years, yet their blind spots still stand tall. Chasing power is not finding the sweet spot between skills, experience, growth and meaningful contribution. Chasing is all about a focus exclusively on the individual…not the organization.

3 questions to consider

- What do I excel at?

- What do I enjoy doing?

- How can I leverage these two and make a dramatic impact?

If you answered that you need to be in control to ensure ‘everything is done properly’ I would encourage you give those questions a deeper think and try again. I know I have and it’s made all the difference.

Thanks for being here.



Monday, January 13, 2025

Peacekeeper, Take Your Time

Do you play the role of peacekeeper at work? How about at home? Or perhaps at the charity or social organization you are a member of?

Peacekeeping is hard…

…and is also a massive indication of trust.

Consider the times when you have multiple people confiding in you about the negatives swirling around the workplace, or home, or wherever. They believe they can open up with you about how they really feel. That is powerful. 

And it’s power.

Being the peacekeeper is a privilege, in an odd way I guess. But it can also feel heavy. When others share their burdens there is often an unspoken expectation that the peacekeeper will lift this burden away.

What are the next steps here? You have knowledge of a complicated (or sometimes just melodramatic) set of circumstances. But what do you do with that?

Do you engage? 

Keep it to yourself and attempt to deftly navigate the internal landmines that are everywhere? 

Maybe provide some private subtle coaching to those involved in an attempt to keep everything together?

…in effect…play the peacekeeper?

These situations can be incredibly demanding, and yet (mostly) invisible to everyone else. Another example of how effective leadership is not always glamorous.

What do you think about the peacekeeper?

Thanks for being here.



Thursday, December 26, 2024


I’ve been reflecting on 2024. Sort of a normal thing to do as another year draws to a close I suppose. Do you go through a year-end ritual too? Does it help…hurt…matter at all?

I don’t think the reflecting part materially changes my path. It does however offer perspective on how I’m processing what has gone on in my world. Perspective is powerful. It helps me sort out how I feel about things good and bad.

I think about my life in major categories: faith, family, community, personal development and work. These help me organize my time, priorities, and how to consider what is most important at any given moment.

               “2024 hit me with some of the highest highs I’ve ever experienced…
                                          and…some of the lowest lows”

Not every year produces that emotional rollercoaster, thankfully. I learned there were times when I was simply along for the ride. Life was going to hit full power, and I had no choice but to deal with it.

At other times I was able to prepare thoughtfully and deliver high quality results both professionally and personally…

…and yet the highs and lows kept coming.

I’m ready for this phase of my life to move further into the rear view mirror. Not because I’m not incredibly grateful for how things turned out and what I’ve learned about those around me. Quite the opposite is true. That learning, and attitude of feeling grateful was a life-changing set of experiences for me.

I need this phase of life to leave so I can move forward. We’re all on a journey. Where we were 5 years ago is not where we stand today, let alone 10 or 15 years ago, right? So, allowing myself to get caught up in the wild emotional swings of the year gone by does nothing to serve me going forward.                          

The future is growth.
The future is health.
The future is exciting.
The future is a new awareness of those I can really trust.
The future is full of positivity and possibilities.

Thank you 2024 for giving me so much…showing me so much…and teaching me so much. Now it’s time for you to transition to my history. There is an even better 2025 waiting for me.

Thanks for being here. Happy New Year friends.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Restoring Yourself

Life has a funny way of saying…”oh yeah, if you thought that was bad, wait until you see THIS!” We all have examples of personal tragedies, unexpected disappointments or professional ups and downs.

Yet sometimes, life comes through in a big way. Life did just that for me this past weekend. 

I got married on Saturday. 

It was beautiful, elegant, romantic, and we were surrounded by family and friends from near and far.

The ups and downs of life are not only natural, they allow for perspective when the really amazing things happen.

I am truly blessed…and restored.

I hope you have the opportunity to restore yourself too.

Thank you for being here.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Descendants and Ancestors

We are part of a much larger moment than simply the one we are living in right now. We are descendants of those that came before us. And we will become the ancestors of those yet to come in a long distant future.

Have you ever considered that?

What then, have we learned from those that came before us? Their struggles, failures, and successes should inform how we behave today, right? Whether it’s our personal journey, or our professional one, the past should be a powerhouse source of data that informs how we move forward.

But does it, really?

I offer today that it rarely informs what we do, particularly in the workplace. How many examples of failed leadership exist and yet the need for ‘leadership development’ and ‘coaching’ is stronger than ever? 

Have we…have I…learned nothing so far? I can only imagine what our ancestors think of us. Are they not shaking their heads wondering why we continue to follow in the footsteps of leadership arrogance, considering people as ‘assets’ and ‘resources’ instead of unique individuals that with the proper support and encouragement could be transformative members of an incredible organization?

Heavy things to consider. Even heavier to think about how this rinse and repeat world of work can be shifted in the proper direction.

                                          Let us be the ancestors, 

                        our descendants will thank”

                                                 Winona Laduke

I hope that one day when we are all considered ancestors that our future descendants will look back and thank us for beginning to break the oft repeated cycle of not learning from history. 

Perhaps it is finally time that radical new thinking about work begins to take hold, and a new foundation is put in place for those that will follow us?

What do you think?

Thanks for being here.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Our (My) Prioritization Problem

Is it all about work? 

Is it all about fun? 

Is it all about pouring ourselves into others both personally and professionally? 

Is it all about skating our way through life and hoping for the best? 

Is it all about building workplace cultures that are bullet proof? 

Is it all about being so short-sighted for gain that we lose sight of the big picture? 

Does financial performance equate to leadership ability?

When do our values come into play? 

What about kindness as a leadership competency?

So many questions…

…what do you think?

Thanks for being here.

