Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's Your Story?

How did you end up in your current role?  Take a few moments to reflect on the decisions you've made...the job choices...the opportunities you've taken advantage of...and the ones you've missed.

When you've hit a low point, how did you recover?  What were the risks that you took, or didn't take?  

What is still on your bucket list that you keep making excuses to put off?  Why are you still doing that?  Why am I?

It's Time
When was the last time you celebrated how far you've come?  When have you thought about the  people that helped shape your path?  Look around and find an up and comer who needs a role model.  Be that role model.  

Dust off the bucket list...it's time to get started, again.  You can do it.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of marciebrock


  1. Good and inspiring reminders Jay - am going to be thinking about all of those things this afternoon...and feel energised by it already.

    Thank you ;)

  2. Jay, your posting couldn't have come at a better time for a guy who lives on the other side of the world from where you are. You described me to the 't'.

    from where I come from, we say TERIMA KASIH!

  3. Again, Jay, thanks for provoking so much thought with so few words. You really have a knack for asking questions that are useful in considering how we work, how we think, and how we decide.
    This is a favorite topic, because my work decisions led me to my wife and to the family that I love and who give me more than work ever could.

  4. thehrjuggler - Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate your comments!

    Iskandar - So glad the timing was right on today! TERIMA KASIH!

    Tim - Thanks as always for your support. Greatly appreicate your comments and insight.
