Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm Not HR Anymore (In My Head)

In Rebekah Iliff's recent post she describes the mindset of the modern entrepreneur and how they view the world. It turns out I align with the five points she discusses. In fact, after reading and processing it a bit, I started to wonder if I was in the right job? 

For as much as I try to raise awareness about the power of thinking differently, embracing social media in a social media dominated world, and taking risks to do things better, it seems at the end of each day I get little or no traction in the world of human resources, particularly healthcare human resources.

That's just sad.

Is It Me?

One of the realities of going as hard as I do into the modern world of work is the risk of being seen as someone who is completely out of touch with the old (read here --> lame) ways of doing things. Sure, old ways worked great...back when they were new. 

They're called old ways for a reason.

Is It Healthcare HR?

Obviously there are many HR professionals who are light years ahead of me in the social media/risk-taking space. So perhaps my struggle is with the industry that I've called home for nearly twenty years. Maybe the overly regulated, compliance-rich and risk-averse world of healthcare HR is simply not up for the challenge of leading in the world of HR practice?

Ouch. How did that one feel fellow healthcare HR brothers and sisters?

Is This Just One Big Opportunity? 

There is another option here. The gaping hole of HR leadership in the healthcare HR space is so massive that maybe I'm in the perfect place after all? Could it be that the industry I love so much, have devoted my entire professional life to, and that allows me to have a job that actually contributes to society every day needs someone to keep pushing? 

                  "It doesn't mean I'm doing anything right;
                       but it does mean I'm not afraid to try."

I'm not sure to be honest with you. It's an odd feeling to have to explain what you're doing as part of your job versus just doing it. But maybe that's okay too. How else do others come along for the ride? How else can the path be cleared for others to feel comfortable taking risks with their own careers and know it will be safe to do so?  

How About You

Alright, I'm still HR. I'm proudly healthcare HR too. Thank goodness for the team I work with...because other than them, it seems to be a very quiet landscape for those of us working in the best industry out there.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


  1. Jay,

    You couldn't have summed up my healthcare HR sentiments any better if you had interviewed me for your post. I too wonder if pushing the comfort zone in our industry really makes a difference.

    It's our people and our patients that keep me grinding. The only thing you need to reconsider in your post is that there are NOT many HR people light years ahead of you. Keep doing what you do, you are making a difference beyond the walls of your own institution.

    1. Many thanks for the comments William. I greatly appreciate the feedback, and am glad that you are a fellow HealthcareHR leader!

  2. I like the fact that as accomplished as you are, you still question yourself and the profession. I think that's the only way to keep pushing forward. In addition you never blame work and family life as a reason to take your foot off the pedal.

    1. Thank you Chris. Challenging myself, and hopefully others, is a good way to stay fresh...and to keep my foot on the pedal!

  3. Jay,

    Your thoughts are an inspiration for many of us who have started our careers in an HR field and look to leaders like yourself for guidance, words of wisdom, and what not. I can only say thank you for what you do and what you share with the rest of us.

    As regards social media...I wouldn't worry too're pretty much ahead of the curve compared to others.


    1. Many thanks for the kind words Ernie.I appreciate you taking the time to check out the blog, and to participate. That's leadership too!
