As is the annual ritual, I've been considering a number of resolutions for the coming year. I developed a "professional" list, and a "personal" list. And then I threw them away. Seriously. They're gone.
Several years ago I was expanding the number of health clubs that offered discounts to our employees. As I met with the owners of the various clubs a theme quickly emerged.
Every club not only loved resolutions, they actually generated 40% of their annual revenue from the well-intended souls who join in January (and are never seen again after Valentine's Day.) Each owner smiled at this point in their story. I need a resolution that will stick past February!
2011 is the year I will have only one resolution. Yes I'll have goals to achieve professionally, and I'll have a few items that get more attention in my personal life as well. But as far as resolutions go, only one is making the list.Be more organized.
Sounds simple. What you don't know is that I am pretty organized already. I have a clean desk, am learning how to use e-tools whenever possible (trying to use my Droid for everything!) and constantly try to be more efficient. But I want to be better. I want to eliminate the paper (seriously) and be freakishly organized. My competitive side is pushing me to try and control it all.
Uh-oh. Control. That's really what I'm after. I want to control everything. Alas, I may be chasing the unattainable.
What is your plan for next year? Do you have a competitive side that says "I'm going to rule the world;" or, have you found that elusive balance between what you can control, and what you need to let go?
As for me, I have to scan and shred some documents before I head to the gym...
I'd love to hear from you.
Happy New Year...No Excuses.
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