For as much as I wish I could workout exclusively and get in shape, that is just now how it works. How I fuel my body is more important than hundreds and hundreds of reps. So, goal number one was to really go for it with healthy foods.
I know...a crazy goal while we're supposed to sit on the couch with our laptops every day. I took a couple of basic steps to help me.
First, I only bought (reasonably) healthy food. I love snacking particularly at the end of the day. Keeping bad food options out have made a big difference.
Second, as I've done for a long time, I continued to track every single thing that I eat and drink. Yes, everything. I use MyFitnessPal to set my macro goals and to log everything. It syncs with my iPhone so I have all of the bases covered.
Lastly, I've recently explored a form of intermittent fasting whereby I delay my first meal of the day until 10:00am. Considering a full night without any food, it has been a good first step to condition my body to the change.
Lastly, I've recently explored a form of intermittent fasting whereby I delay my first meal of the day until 10:00am. Considering a full night without any food, it has been a good first step to condition my body to the change.
This one has turned into a combination of strategies for me. Without the gym, I've had to pivot and use my Bowflex adjustable dumbbells. Although not ideal, they are a heck of a lot better than nothing! I hit different body parts each day, and lift six days each week.

At the beginning of 2020 I set a total abs rep goal for the year, and I've been tracking that as well.
So far, on pace to meet my goal!
Lastly, I love walking as a form of physical and mental health. My goal is of course ten thousand steps each day. Without traveling and limited family visiting time, I'm hitting around fourteen-thousand.
How About You
Have you taken your health seriously during this strange time? If not, how come? Now is the perfect time to challenge yourself, stay healthy and strong for the ones you love, and to have renewed stamina for the unique demands of a stay at home world.
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.