Sunday, September 11, 2011


In between kids sporting events, workouts, phone calls to the office, launching a new twitter account and keeping up with the never ending task list, I've been paying my respects to those impacted on 9/11 by watching some of the many specials that have been airing all weekend.  And I'm angry.  This post isn't about a tribute, or to share a special memory, it's just to share how I feel...and I'm mad as hell.

So today I'm taking the liberty of simply venting...letting go...and expressing what many others may feel as well. We're upset...but we're unstoppable too.

We proved it when we came together after the attacks. That could have been a time when we let politics, or personal agendas, or "stuff" get in the way.  But we didn't...because we're unstoppable.

So although I'm excited about the coming work week, writing about leadership, and connecting with so many of you...for now I'm just going to balance feeling sad, with knowing there are so many good times ahead.  I say we should all be unstoppable this week...that will show those cowards that you can knock us down, but you can never knock us out.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of weekendsareforwarriors


  1. Great post Jay. I've been reflecting - like everyone - for the past week+. One of the many great things that came from the horrible rubble 10 years ago was the instant "togetherness". It seemed that we all were "on the same team" for the first time in who knows when. People were a little more patient, a little longer to judge and much faster with a helping hand.

    This past weekend - Jeff and I were rushing back to St. Pete from Brandon for a birthday party. We were stuck on the highway for 1.5 hours which was SO frustrating. All we - and hundreds of our closest friends - could do was sit. So when we finally got to the dreaded merge lane, the guy next to us stalled. Nothing...nada...his car was toast. I turned to Jeff and said - "what's a few more mins, you know we have to help him." So we pulled over as cars are flying around this guy (and his two very young kids in the back) to get going - back to the "Hurry-I-Have-to-Be-First" drill.

    As he and Jeff got the car over to the side, I saw this "fellow dad" reach out and shake Jeff's hand. It was so heartfelt, I had tears in my eyes, you could see how appreciative he was.

    As we drove away Jeff told me the doors couldn't be opened from the inside and the power windows didn't work either. They would have been stuck there a very long time.

    Sue, we did a good deed - people do them everyday. But it made me think if we all put our 10 years sadness and anger together, use it for good...we ARE unstoppable...together.

  2. Thank you for sharing this story Michelle. What a great example of thinking beyond ourselves and our personal needs in order to help someone else. That family will never forget you and Jeff coming to the rescue.
