Team - a group of people with a full set of complimentary skills
Network - an association of individuals with common interests providing mutual assistance
Friends - one attached to another by affection or esteem
Colleagues - a fellow worker or professional
Family - all the descendants of a common ancestor
So Much, But...

Ranging from close family relationships, to our loosely defined networks (think 3rd level on LinkedIn) it would appear that we have an endless amount of support just waiting to be tapped when times get tough.
While we do have extensive connections across many places, platforms and people; we fail to appreciate one of the most obvious facts of our journeys.
We ultimately travel alone.
Not Bad News...
Now before you click out of this post and move on, consider the following...
...there is a reason communities, teams, networks, friends, colleagues and families are in our lives
...there is a reason, that despite feeling alone, we actually are not alone at all
Are you with me?
When you feel the pressure of your corporate life dragging you down.
When you feel like your career has stalled.
When you feel like the personal stress and strain are too much to bear.
When you fee like it is all just...too much.
Remember that although we technically travel alone, we have been provided with an amazing group of fellow travelers to share our journey.
What do you think?
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
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